The Financial Services Register

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Seikou Bah

Reference number: 664816

Careful Some activities by this firm may not be protected

This firm is shown on the Register because it is now, or was previously, approved by the FCA (or relevant regulatory body). As a result, you may be able to complain about this firm to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If this firm goes out of business owing you money you may be able to claim compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). However, this is not always the case and these organisations may not cover some of this firm’s activities. If you would like to check what is and what isn’t covered, you can ask this firm to confirm this to you in writing. There’s more information on the Financial Ombudsman Service’s websiteopens in a new window and the FSCS’s websiteopens in a new window about the kind of complaints and claims they can help with. The final decision on whether or not they will consider any complaint or claim is for the Financial Ombudsman Service or the FSCS.

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Clones of this firm

Individuals are using the details of this firm to suggest they work for the genuine firm. We call this a cloned firm and it is typically part of a scam.

To contact the genuine firm you should call the switchboard number listed on the Register - and contact us if it is not provided.


Who is this firm?

Firm details

Check details about this firm's place of business, contact details, etc.


The ‘firm details’ displayed on the register have been confirmed as correct. Firms are required to confirm that the information shown is correct at least annually.

Address Careful

Avenida Doctor Fedriani 33 Local 2
410 9




Firm reference number


Firm status

Check this firm’s status and any additional regulatory information.



PSD Agent Former

Since 30/06/2015



Trading names

This firm currently trades under 4 trading names.

How are customers protected?

Protections and support

Understand the protections you have when dealing with this firm, and how to make a complaint.

Customer protections and the Register

The Register tells you the activities the FCA has given this firm permission to carry out. The Register can only give you general information about the help from other organisations if something goes wrong when dealing with this firm. The Register does not detail the activities that the firm undertakes that do not require FCA approval.

The Financial Ombudsman Service and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) are the main organisations who may be able to help if something goes wrong when dealing with this firm. The Financial Ombudsman Service may be able to resolve your complaint against this firm if the firm fails to deal with it properly. The FSCS may be able to provide compensation if this firm goes out of business owing you money.

The protection provided by the Financial Ombudsman Service and FSCS depends on the activity a firm is carrying out. There are also other conditions, such as needing to bring a complaint or claim within a set time period, that affect any protection you may have. The final decision to consider any specific complaint or claim is determined by the Financial Ombudsman Service or the FSCS. You should always check which activities are covered by these organisations before doing business with this firm.

The Financial Ombudsman Service may be able to consider a complaint about this firm or the firm it is an agent of

If this firm or the firm it is an agent of fails to deal with your complaint properly, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to help. But it may not be able to consider complaints about all the firm’s activities. The Financial Ombudsman Service has the final decision as to whether or not it will consider a specific complaint. You can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service about most regulated activities and some unregulated activities. The Financial Ombudsman Service’s website has information about the type of activities you can complain about.

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme will not be able to consider a claim against this firm if it fails

The firm may be required to safeguard funds it receives from, or on behalf of, customers when providing payment services or issuing electronic money

If the firm becomes insolvent, you should contact the liquidator or administrator of the firm, who will be responsible for distributing any funds to customers.

If you have a complaint about a firm

If you are concerned you’ve been scammed: consumers in England, Wales or Northern Ireland should immediately contact the FCA and Action Fraud; consumers in Scotland should immediately contact the FCA and Police Scotland.

Complain to the firm


Avenida Doctor Fedriani 33 Local 2
410 9

Report to the FCA

If you have concerns about a firm listed on the Register, contact the FCA directly.

If you suspect you have been contacted by an unauthorised firm or individual carrying out an FCA-regulated activity, report it to us using this form.

Help using the Register

If you have any concerns or difficulties using the Register you can contact the FCA and we will talk you through the record and answer any queries you may have.

What can this firm do in the UK?


Check the requirements placed on this firm. Requirements are restrictions governing the regulated activities that this firm can do.


Client Money

This firm cannot hold and cannot control client money.

Specific requirements may change this firm's ability to hold or control client money – see below for details.

Financial promotions

Check if this firm has permission to approve financial promotions and what these permissions are.

What this information means

The law restricts who can promote financial services and products ('communicate financial promotions'). Firms or individuals (‘persons’) have to be authorised to do this, unless an authorised person has already approved the financial promotion or an exemption applies. This firm is an authorised person. This means it may be able to approve financial promotions for unauthorised persons in some circumstances. This section sets out the types of financial promotions this firm can approve.​

Unless there is arequirement on this firm that says otherwise, then:

This firm can approve its own financial promotions as well as those of members of its wider group and, in certain circumstances, those of its appointed representatives.

If you have concerns about a financial promotion or would like to check that an authorised person has approved a financial promotion, please contact the authorised person who communicated or approved it.
If the financial promotion came from an unauthorised person, then the promotion may show the name of the authorised person who approved it or that firm's reference number (FRN).

Please note The Financial Ombudsman Service is unlikely to consider a complaint about the approval of a financial promotion. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme is unlikely to be able to consider claims that are solely about the communication or approval of financial promotions.

If you're worried or have a complaint about the firm, please check How are customers protected?' section.

Activities and services

Learn about the regulated activities that this firm has FCA and/or PRA permission to provide and other information related to specific non-regulated activities and services that may impact your business with a firm.

What to do with this information

These regulated activities are grouped into categories. You should check the specific activities within these categories relate to the business you want to do with the firm, not just the categories.

This firm is shown on the Register because it is now, or was previously, approved by the FCA (or relevant regulatory body). As a result, you may be able to complain about this firm to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If this firm goes out of business owing you money you may be able to claim compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). However, this is not always the case and these organisations may not cover some of this firm’s activities. If you would like to check what is and what isn’t covered, you can ask this firm to confirm this to you in writing. There’s more information on the Financial Ombudsman Service’s website and the FSCS’s website about the kind of complaints and claims they can help with. The final decision on whether or not they will consider any complaint or claim is for the Financial Ombudsman Service or the FSCS.

Once you have checked this page, you should contact the firm via their main contact details and ask them to confirm their permitted regulated activities.

If you don't understand whether the permissions cover the business you want to do, you should contact the FCA.

Expand all activitles



Other activities

Who is involved with activities at this firm?


Individuals currently and previously involved in regulated activities at this firm.

What can this firm do in the European Economic Area?

Passport out

Regulated activities this firm can offer in other EEA countries.

Who is this firm connected to?

Appointed representatives and agents

This firm is/was responsible for regulated activities of the firm(s) listed below during the period it (they) acted on its behalf (between the dates shown below as Effective from and Effective to).



Current and former regulators of this firm.
